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 Etimad Platform

Etimad platform includes a set of integrated portals to provide MOF automated services to all beneficiaries

Budget Management

Providing e-services with everything related to public entities' budgets and necessary movements thereon.

1. Budget Reporting

2. Budget Presenting

3. Budget Transfers

4. Budget Promotion

Contracts and Award Management

Managing everything related to contracts and awarding in order to register them electronically until obtaining necessary approvals from the public entity and MOF.

1. Registration of contracts / Award

2. Contract approval

Tenders and Procurement Management

Offering tenders, examining bids and e-awarding of tenders, as well as enabling the private sector to view tenders, receive invitations, purchase RFPs and apply electronically.

1. Offering RFPs

2. Purchasing RFPs

3. Submitting bids

4. Examining bids

5. Technical evaluation

6. Awarding

Payments Management 

Enabling the private sector to submit their financial claims related to their projects from public entities entities, through electronic disbursement and payment orders.

1. Financial claims

2. Disbursement orders

3. Payment orders

Financial Rights Management 

Enabling public entities to, electronically, submit requests of disbursement orders and payment orders for workers' compensation.

1. Submitting payroll sheet

2. Disbursement orders

3. Payment orders

Terms of Use:


This is an agreement between the Ministry of Finance (MOF) and the user of the site, thus, using the site means that you agree to all the terms and conditions contained therein, and any violation hereof shall entail the user to be subject to legal accountability. The same has been made to ensure the user and MOF rights.

Service Agreement Acceptance

When you use the site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Therefore, if you do not agree to what is stated therein, you should not use the site, as that means that you do not agree to the terms and laws contained therein.

Future Changes

This Agreement may be changed at any time, so you must review the same, from time to time, to ensure that you accept future changes. Further, the user shall be responsible for reviewing the stated agreement.

Uses and Warnings of Using the Site
Your acceptance of the Service Agreement means you respect all of its warnings. It is not allowed to send prohibited or illegal things, do what is inconsistent with the work of the site, or take measures that create great and unreasonable pressure on the site's infrastructure.

MOF is also keen to ensure that all published data, numbers and statistics are accurate and correct. However, MOF shall not bear any legal responsibility for the decisions taken on the basis of such data.


Last Update : 5/14/2023 2:13 AM