- Deputy Ministry for Macro Fiscal Policies:
- Overall Objective:
Leading the Kingdom's macroeconomic and fiscal policies development efforts to foster Ministry of Finance (MOF) strategic role in empowering the Kingdom to realize financial and economic objectives, playing a key role in medium-term budgeting optimization and fiscal planning, proposing proper fiscal and economic policies, in addition to driving financial sector development, supporting statistical databases and related research, in accordance with applicable work policies and procedures.
- Functions:
- Leading the Kingdom's macroeconomic and fiscal policies development efforts to foster Ministry of Finance (MOF) strategic role in empowering the Kingdom to realize financial and economic objectives, playing a key role in medium-term budgeting optimization and fiscal planning, proposing proper fiscal and economic policies, in addition to driving financial sector development, supporting statistical databases and related research, in accordance with applicable work policies and procedures.
- Developing policies related to MOF international relations and representation, in alignment with Macro Fiscal Policies, Communication and Media Center, to raise the Kingdom's efficiency and boost its role at the international level.
- Designing the International Relations Governance Model as a methodology for developing and fostering international relations.
- Issuing reports and consultations on international relations for stakeholders, supporting provision of international financial and non-financial aid, and coordinating with other government entities to enhance the Kingdom's international relations.
- Leading international and regional cooperation and coordinating between MOF's third parties and in-house departments to facilitate consolidation of MOF's position on key international and regional cooperation issues.
- Strengthening the Kingdom's global and regional presence as a leading strategic partner and expanding the Kingdom's international reach globally and regionally by building and fostering international relations with different countries and international financial forums worldwide.
- Supervising relations with ministries of finance across international and regional countries, including coordinating the Kingdom's presence in periodic and special international and regional forums.
- Overseeing the Kingdom's contributions disbursement in international and regional organizations to provide support and ensure processing of disbursements as per the stipulated policies and procedures.
- Supervising and following-up the disbursement of foreign deposits and loans, as well as the disbursement and provision of the Kingdom's cash and in-kind support to countries, associations, and institutions outside the Kingdom to foster international relations.
- Overseeing risk identification and management based on the methodology and standards set by General Directorate of Risk Management.
- Supervising and tracking financial operations of external projects assigned to MOF to ensure their delivery within specified timelines and as per the stipulated policies and procedures.
- Supervising development cooperation activities, releasing reports and financial statements on Kingdom's aid and recording them to support realization of development cooperation objectives.
- Defining business requirements to direct development and management of technology systems to realize Deputy's objectives.
C. For inquiries:
- Deputy Ministry for International Relations:
- Overall Objective:
Representing and enhancing MOF presence and influence in various regional and international events related to MOF's work, facilitating and supporting effective recommendations that promote MOF position, managing files of regional and international multilateral organizations, as well as managing bilateral international relations between all countries, in addition to managing and following up the disbursement of international donations and aids provided by the Kingdom.
- Functions:
- Setting strategic objectives for international relations in line with MOF strategy.
- Developing policies related to MOF international relations and representation, in coordination with other MOF organizational units, to raise the Kingdom's efficiency and strengthening its role at the international level.
- Designing an internal governance model for international relations as a methodology for developing and fostering international relations.
- Providing consultations on international relations to stakeholders, supporting provision of international financial and non-financial aid, and coordinating with other government entities.
- Reviewing proposed international and regional agreements to ensure their compatibility with approved policies and previous agreements.
- Developing and fostering relations with regional and international multilateral organizations (Gulf Cooperation Council, Arab Monetary Fund, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and others).
- Taking part in joint economic committees, meetings, and conferences, providing recommendations and mechanisms to strengthen international financial relations, and following up on the delivery of such recommendations with relevant authorities.
- Providing continuous consultations and inputs to “International Relations Policy and Consultations" on policies related to bilateral relations and agreements.
- Building and managing bilateral relations with other countries (ministries of finance and concerned authorities).
- Concluding agreements and treaties with regional and international countries to enhance Kingdom's financial position, including negotiating free trade agreements.
- Negotiating and conducting agreements with countries (Mainly, regional) on financial aid.
- Providing continuous consultations and inputs to “International Relations Policies and Consultations" on policies related to relations and multilateral agreements.
- Developing framework for providing assistance to governments and organizations.
- Supervising development cooperation activities, releasing reports and financial statements on Kingdom's aid and recording them to support realization of development cooperation objectives.
- Overseeing the Kingdom's contributions disbursement in international and regional organizations to provide support and ensure processing of disbursements as per the stipulated policies and procedures.
- Supervising and following-up the disbursement of foreign deposits and loans, as well as the disbursement and provision of the Kingdom's cash and in-kind support to countries, associations, and institutions outside the Kingdom to foster international relations.
- Supervising and tracking financial operations of external projects assigned to MOF to ensure their delivery within specified timelines and as per the stipulated policies and procedures.
- Overseeing risk identification and management based on the methodology and standards set by Governance, Risk and Compliance.
- Defining business requirements to direct development and management of technology systems to realize Deputy objectives.
C. For inquiries:
- Deputy Ministry for Budgetary Affairs:
- Overall Objective:
Leading general budget efforts by designing and implementing the Kingdom's annual budget insofar as to ensure realizing objectives of macro fiscal policy and raising spending efficiency, in a way that enables optimization of budget performance and implementation in accordance with work policies and procedures stipulated by law.
- Functions:
- Raising awareness and commitment of the Deputy's staff to MOF vision, values and strategy, getting the staff familiar with the Deputy's roles, responsibilities and projects in order to qualify a motivated and more integrated work team to continuously develop performance.
- Supporting the development of the next generation of financial leaders to ensure business sustainability and contributing to realization of Saudi Vision 2030.
- Leading change in annual budget operations by providing guidance and necessary support for continuous improvement across systems, procedures and practices, taking into account best international practices and work environment, to ultimately realize top performance and operational excellence.
- Developing budget policies and legislation in line with public fiscal policies to realize strategic objectives.
- Examining budget policy development proposals on a regular basis in line with international best practices as well as previous experience to lead budget policies development.
- Supervising development of the Deputy's strategic objectives in line with MOF strategy, and analyzing results against KPIs.
- Overseeing budget cycle identification and outlines, managing draft budget processes, directing committees concerned with the annual budget preparation and implementation, as well as involved supporting parties.
- Supervising determination of budget ceiling at a sector and entity level based on the annual budget ceiling, as per guidelines of Deputy Ministry for Macro Fiscal Policies, so as to realize maximum spending efficiency and support Saudi Vision 2030.
- Supervising budget preparation and facilitating its definition across government entities for all national sectors, Vision 2030 VRPs and State's public utilities, in cooperation with concerned authorities and Government Expenditure & Projects Efficiency Authority and in accordance with the approved budget ceilings and policies.
- Overseeing comprehensive budget analysis, variance analysis and performance reports at sector and Kingdom level to be used as a basis for continuous improvement of the general budget management.
- Supervising sector-wide spending/cost analyzes, according to best practices.
- Representing Saudi Arabia in international affairs with regard to budgetary policies, in coordination with MOF relevant parties to enhance the Kingdom's international role.
- Overseeing risk identification and management based on the methodology and standards set by Governance, Risk and Compliance.
- Defining business requirements to direct development and management of technology systems to realize Deputy objectives.
- Deputy Ministry for Public Revenues:
- Overall Objective:
Leading efforts to develop the State's revenue policies of all kinds, planning and analyzing the State's annual revenue performance, in addition to developing non-oil revenues to support Saudi Vision, ensuring revenue collection and improving collection mechanisms in accordance with work policies and procedures stipulated by law. - Functions:
- Raising awareness and commitment of Deputy Ministry for Public Revenues' leaders to MOF vision, values and strategy, getting leaders familiar with Deputy's roles, responsibilities and projects in order to qualify a motivated and more integrated work team to continuously develop performance.
- Supporting the development of next generation of financial leaders to ensure business sustainability, and contributing to realization of Saudi Vision 2030.
- Leading change in Deputy Ministry for Public Revenues operations by providing guidance and necessary support for continuous improvement in systems, procedures and practices, taking into account best international practices and work environment, to ultimately realize top performance and operational excellence.
- Overseeing the proposals submitted to continuously develop revenue policies in line with the best international practices to facilitate development of revenue policies based on an accurate, transparent and clear methodology.
- Overseeing the development of revenue policies and legislation based on roles and responsibilities assigned to the relevant authorities and according to the public financial policies to achieve the Kingdom's development goals.
- Overseeing the development of guidelines for revenues, standards and control mechanisms at the national level.
- Overseeing the development of total annual targets for oil and non-oil revenues based on the targets across all government authorities.
- Overseeing the process of designing and reviewing revenue instruments (taxes, charges and other instruments) aiming at diversifying the Kingdom's non-oil revenues, in cooperation with relevant authorities internally and externally.
- Overseeing the review of proposals for developing incoming revenues and considering revenue expectations, their implications and economic and social impact in cooperation with relevant authorities internally and externally.
- Overseeing the process of designing and giving effect to the models of revenue assessment and follow up governance to ensure achieving its targets.
- Overseeing revenue management, continuous variation requests and adjustments when needed at the authority level, in coordination with Budget Affairs.
- Overseeing governance of revenue affairs by developing internal controls for revenue management and setting standards and mechanisms for quality control and integrity of revenue data to enhance transparency and facilitate work in an institutional manner.
- Overseeing processes of comprehensive revenue analysis, variation analysis and performance reports, including (income and direct taxes, fees, Value-Added Tax (VAT), customs, investments and service charges).
- Overseeing the collection of government revenues of all kinds on time and developing collection mechanisms.
- Representing Saudi Arabia in international affairs with regard to revenue policies, in coordination with MOF relevant parties to support the Kingdom's international role.
- Defining business requirements to direct development and management of technology systems to realize Deputy's objectives.
- Overseeing risk identification and management operations based on the methodology and standards set by Governance, Risk and Compliance at MOF level.
- Deputy Ministry for Financial Affairs and Accounts:
- Overall Objective:
Governance and implementation of all public accounting works at the national level, including managing payment execution operations and providing liquidity to ensure support for business sectors at the national level to achieve strategic goals in accordance with approved fiscal plans in coordination with both Deputy Ministry for Revenue and Budgetary Affairs, as well as preparing the State's closing account and supervising the fiscal control works in accordance with work policies and procedures stipulated under law. - Functions:
- Raising awareness of Deputy Ministry for Financial Affairs and Accounts leaders to ensure their commitment to MOF vision, values and strategy, getting leaders familiar with Deputy's roles, responsibilities and projects in order to qualify a motivated and more integrated work team to continuously develop performance.
- Supporting the development of next generation of financial leaders to ensure business sustainability, and contributing to realization of Saudi Vision 2030.
- Leading change by providing guidance and necessary support for continuous development of regulations, procedures and practices, taking into account best international practices and work environment, to ultimately realize top performance and operational excellence.
- Overseeing the development of policies and legislation related to accounts, cash management, fiscal control and accounting policies to achieve the strategic goals.
- Overseeing governance of accounts affairs and cash management by developing internal controls, standards and mechanisms to monitor quality and integrity of public accounts to enhance transparency and facilitate work in an institutional manner in connection with public accounts affairs.
- Representing Saudi Arabia in international affairs with regard to public accounts policies, in coordination with MOF relevant parties to enhance the Kingdom's global presence.
- Overseeing cash liquidity management operations, identifying drivers that leave effect on cash to control them, and ensuring availability of cash liquidity when needed and according to payment plans.
- Leading liquidity management efforts and supporting debt issuance decisions against financing from reserves decisions to minimize costs and implications of the budget deficit.
- Developing returns from bank deposits of MoF, in support of diversification and development of revenues, and making optimum use of state resources.
- Overseeing decision-making operations regarding payment orders based on the approved budget of government authorities, the powers delegated thereto, as well as internal and external account policies.
- Overseeing compliance of all Fiscal Control's employees with the approved customer service model to maintain a single mental image of MOF in serving the various authorities.
- Overseeing the review and control of all payment requests, according to items included and not included in the budget and based on Fiscal Controller's approval according to contracts concluded between government authorities and service providers/suppliers.
- Overseeing the management of relationship with the National Debt Management Center (NDMC) to know the maturity schedule of public debt payments to ensure compliance and implementation according to the designated timeline.
- Overseeing the preparation of the Kingdom's annual closing account in coordination with MoF various units according to competency and submitting the same to the concerned authorities according to the designated timeline.
- Overseeing efforts to prepare settlements and financial reports to enhance transparency and continuously improve the Kingdom's financial performance throughout the fiscal year.
- Overseeing the management of relationship with General Auditing Bureau with regard to State accounts.
- Overseeing risk identification and management based on the methodology and standards set by Governance, Risk and Compliance.
- Defining business requirements to direct development and management of technology systems to realize Deputy objectives.
C. For inquiries:
- General Directorate of Public Procurement Governance and Capital Projects:
- Overall Objective:
Overseeing, following-up and monitoring MoF capital projects across various regions of the Kingdom to ensure their progress according to the time plans and allocated budgets while observing the required quality, in accordance with work policies and procedures stipulated under law. - Functions:
- Raising staff's awareness about capital projects management and their commitment to MOF vision, values and strategy, getting the staff familiar with Directorate's roles, responsibilities and projects in order to qualify a motivated and more integrated work team to continuously develop performance.
- Overseeing, monitoring and continuous follow-up of implementation of capital projects and their related costs and schedules according to the developed plans and standards.
- Implementing structured fiscal governance and control across various phases of capital projects, ensuring independence, accountability, effective controls and clear points of contact.
- Reviewing feasibility studies, budgets, and financial flow requirements for capital projects to ensure their robustness, and develop them in accordance with predefined policies and governance frameworks.
- Conducting an initial review of payments and variation orders that exceed the pre-determined maximum value and making recommendations accordingly.
- Conducting periodic audits/reviews at a scheduled time to identify troubled projects and making recommendations accordingly.
- Conducting reviews related to realization of planned benefits upon completion of projects to support future financial planning.
- Developing and updating the fiscal governance of procurement regulations and laws in line with the best international practices and in cooperation with stakeholders.
- Developing policies and procedures related to the procurement cycle, from planning and budgeting, bidding and awarding to execution of procurement work.
- Preparing procurement documents and forms that must be used by all government authorities to establish unified and clear procurement processes
- Conducting studies and benchmarking related to fiscal governance of procurement to identify areas of improvement or change that can be made.
C. For inquiries:
- General Directorate of Financial Skills Center:
- Overall Objective:
Developing and training employees of financial regulatory units across all government authorities consistent with public fiscal policies so as to achieve requirements of fiscal planning and effective management of the budget and financial affairs, in addition to strengthening MoF's role in empowering government authorities.
- Functions:
- Analyzing training needs to determine financial and accounting capacities that shall be developed in the government authorities.
- Contacting leaders and employees of government authorities to determine the potentials required for performing financial tasks and operations (for example: Financial modeling, accounting, financial statements analysis, etc.).
- Aligning with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development and the Institute of Public Administration to raise the potentials required from financial regulatory units' employees and ensuring that employees' career paths include financial skills determined by the Center.
- Designing the educational curricula of courses that the Center will provide, which will focus on financial training.
- Developing lists and schedules of training.
- Developing training courses related to the prominent subjects in finance and accounting, including for example: Budgeting and financial reporting, financial planning, financial modeling, accounting etc.
- Selecting the external trainers (whether individuals or institutions) who can deliver training courses to employees based on their experience in financial and accounting subjects.
- Facilitating the preparation and delivery of training courses by financial experts at the Center or by financial and accounting training providers and experts in the field.
- Following up employees' attendance and participation in training courses.
- Evaluating, developing and continuously improving training courses.
- Preparing reports on the efficiency of the training courses delivered.
- Coordinating with financial and accounting institutes to consolidate efforts at the level of training and capacity building.
C. For inquiries:
- Deputy Ministry for Strategy and Organizational Excellence
a. Overall Objective:
Leading MoF Strategy and Institutional Excellence operations to ensure that MoF moves towards achieving its vision, improving MoF operations and supervising MoF's compliance with implementation of projects and programs in accordance with work policies and procedures stipulated under law.
b. Functions:
- Raising awareness and commitment of Strategy and Institutional Excellence leaders to MOF vision, values and strategy, getting the staff familiar with their roles, responsibilities and projects in order to qualify a motivated and more integrated work team to continuously develop performance.
- Providing guidance and necessary support for continuous improvement in systems, procedures and practices, taking into account the best international practices and work environment, to ultimately realize top performance and operational excellence.
- Overseeing MoF's strategic planning, including facilitating development of annual operational plans and identifying key performance indicators and goals to achieve MoF vision.
- Translating MoF strategic goals into measurable goals and strategic initiatives - at a higher level - to ensure realization of such goals.
- Monitoring and following up progress in strategy implementation, including initiatives, annual operational plans and preparing reports to ensure compliance with implementation as per the plan.
- Engineering and developing work procedures in all MoF units, to raise efficiency of procedures.
- Overseeing change management and managing internal communication for employees.
- Designing and developing knowledge framework, identifying technologies and methodologies that will prepare and store information, data and internal know-how related to MoF's main activities.
- Overseeing efforts of designing and developing a methodology and key performance indicators to measure customer satisfaction level to continuously identify areas of improvement and development.
- Overseeing the design and development of projects management, risks, change and relevant models and ensure the contractor's compliance therewith.
- Overseeing risk identification and management based on the methodology and standards set by General Directorate of Governance, Risk and Compliance.
- Overseeing performance and implementation of projects and ensuring achievement of targets as per the scope, time, cost and quality required.
C. For inquiries:
- Deputy Ministry for Organizational Services:
a. Overall Objective:
Leading efforts of supporting and empowering MoF to perfectly perform its functions to achieve the highest standards and level of service provided to MoF customers and to provide all human, financial and technical support needed, and as required by work environment in addition to all requirements for efficient completion of MoF work, in accordance with work policies and procedures stipulated under law.
b. Functions:
- Raising awareness and commitment of Organizational Services' leaders to MOF vision, values and strategy, getting the staff familiar with its roles, responsibilities and projects in order to qualify a motivated and more integrated work team to continuously develop performance.
- Developing the next generation of Organizational Services leaders to ensure business sustainability, and contribute to realization of Saudi Vision 2030.
- Continuous improvement in systems, procedures and practices, taking into account best international practices and work environment, to ultimately realize top performance and operational excellence.
- Overseeing business continuity management plan that is related to utilities, identifying security, health and safety standards and supervising implementation thereof to ensure business continuity.
- Overseeing the development of work policies in branches and service level agreements among branches and relevant departments in MoF, in coordination with Strategy and Organizational Excellence to provide the best service to MoF customers.
- Overseeing the performance of all branches and offices to ensure their consistency with policies and service agreements.
- Overseeing IT projects to ensure their implementation on time, with high quality and within the limits of the budget.
- Supporting the digital strategy via continuous improvement of information technology infrastructure, systems and process in line with the latest technologies and standards to reach the best level of quality and efficiency of MoF systems.
- Ensuring quality of IT systems to meet work requirements, and to ensure continuous availability of systems, networks and applications.
- Overseeing the preparation of financial reports and budget reports in an accurate manner and on time, ensuring approval thereto and presenting them to the concerned body in MoF on time.
- Overseeing MoF procurement activities, including direct purchase requests and tendering, with the aim of ensuring cost control and discussing opportunities to raise efficiency of spending in MoF procurement, in accordance with Government Tenders and Procurement Law and in coordination with the concerned authority.
- Guiding HR strategy to achieve excellence across services for employment, development and employee retention programs.
- Conducting reviews and making recommendations to His Excellency the Minister with regard to amendments to organizational structure, operational models, manpower strategy and functions to ensure consistency with continuous changes to MoF's strategy and goals and international standards.
- Overseeing MoF HR planning in line with MoF's strategy and direction.
- Preparing all regular and emergency technical reports on institutional services in a comprehensive, accurate and timely manner, highlighting critical issues and challenges, while making recommendations to provide a strategic view to be guided in key decision-making, and compliance with the approved principles and standards for issuance of such reports.