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 Minister of Finance: This strengthens the rule of law and the investment environment

His excellency the Minister of Finance, Mr. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Jadaan, has welcomed the establishment of the Supreme Anti- Corruption Committee, under the chairmanship of HRH Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz. 
Mr. Al Jadaan stressed that the committee has been formed within the existing legal framework and anti-corruption systems and in accordance with best international standards. 
His Excellency stated that the Vision 2030 reform agenda was committed to eradicating corruption and strengthening the principles of governance, accountability and justice, which is embodied in this new Anti-Corruption Committee.
The Anti-Corruption Committee will focus on protecting the country and public money while ensuring that suspects rights are fully protected including their right to defend themselves and appoint lawyers. 
The Minister of Finance pointed out that these firm decisions will help to reinforce the investment environment in the Kingdom, and bolster confidence levels in the Kingdom’s systems for everyone concerned.

Mr. Al Jadaan concluded: "These resolutions herald a new era and a new approach of transparency, clarity and accountability, as well as a commitment to citizens and the international community to fight corruption and its negative effects on the state’s political, security, economic and social entity." He added: "The State will never tolerate or condone any violations of local or international business standards. There will be no privileges or exceptions for any investor or business. Nothing and no one will prevent us providing a world-class investment environment to accelerate the pace and momentum of national transformation  to achieve the goals of Vision 2030.”

Last Update : 11/5/2017 6:16 PM