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 The MOF Announces its Desire to Rent Shops for Various Activities in Government Complex in Hail

The MOF Announces its Desire to Rent Shops for Various Activities in Government Complex in Hail

The Ministry of Finance announces its desire to rent (8) shops in the government complex in Hail for various commercial activities, as follows:

  1. Shop "1" buffet activity.
  2. Shop "2" insurance office activity.
  3. Shop "3" public services office activity. 
  4. Shop "4" document photocopying activity.
  5. Shop "5" photography studio activity.
  6. Shop "6" Telecommunications activity.
  7. Shop "7" insurance office activity.
  8. Shop "8" buffet activity.

Through the auction at the site of each shop. Anyone wishes to participate in this auction shall review the conditions prepared for this purpose, which are deemed an integral part of the lease contract between both parties. The party's participation in the auction is considered an agreement to the conditions. A copy of the conditions can be obtained from the MOF's Branch in Hail. The auction will be held on Saturday, corresponding to  December 3, 2011, at 10:00 AM. The successful bidder is required to provide the auction committee members with a cheque for an amount representing "15%" of the bidding annual rent value as a financial guarantee. For inquiries or to visit the site, you can coordinate with the MOF's Branch in Hail, Tel: 06-5324776.


Last Update : 1/16/2023 9:45 AM